A device used to produce regular flashes of light when a picture is taken
Hot lights or continuous lighting
A powerful light used in photography/cinematography which has a constant light (doesn't flash like the strobes do)
Natural light
The light that exists all around us
Key Light
A light that catches the eye — adds life to the face
Back Light
A light that illuminates the back of the photo
Fill Light
Agggg light used to eliminate or soften shadows caused by the main source of illumination
The device that holds a camera steady. Usually has three legs, thus the "tri"
Soft box
a piece of equipment that fits over a light which effectively diffuses the light and makes it more even and "soft"
a tube or similar object that fits over a studio light or portable flash and allows the photographer to control the direction and radius of the light beam
The background chosen for the picture, either a color or patterned fabric usually
Barn door
light modifiers that shape and direct light
A transparent colored material that is used in theater, event production, photography, videography and cinematography to color light and for color correction
A kind of reflector. Hooks onto the snoot or other light, makes a more even light distribution. Looks exactly like an umbrella with a shiny underside.
Reflects light at the subject, creating a softer effect than a direct light.